Sky Lite Home Decore
We Build Inspired Home Spaces.
جبس بورد سقف جبس سيمت بورد جدران سقف مستار المحلات بدي رخام بدي الخشب فوم جبس جدران شاشه جبس بورد جدران
We have very creative ideas in all kind of Downfall Ceiling and Home Decoration.
Why You Should Choose Us
We take a customised approach to tackle the most urgent issues of decorating and heat proofing your residential commercial buildings. We agree on and take it from there, unlike others who only have a single starting place.
It's a description you hope others will apply to you.” – David Maister. We can proudly narrate that we have a team of skilled and professional persons who can do miraculous achievements in this field.
We Build Inspired Home Space.
Creating an inspiring interior is an important step when designing or renovating a home. Every detail must be carefully considered so that the home is not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing. One of the most popular solutions for interior decoration are plasterboard constructions.
Our Professional Team
We are running this company since 10 years and has been done a lot of professional interior designing, down fall ceiling and other interior items.